
Free iPhone SMS Backup

Free iPhone SMS Backup, the free tool to extract, export and backup your SMS messages from iPhone to your PC, Windows and Mac.

How to Backup Text Messages on iPhone in 2024

2024年2月7日 — One app we recommend for iOS that allows you to backup your iPhone messages is SMS Export. Because of its simplicity, SMS Export is a popular ...

iPhone SMS Backup & Restore

Backuptrans iPhone SMS Backup & Restore is the best iPhone SMS backup software to backup and restore SMS messages for iPhone in just a few easy steps.

iSMS2droid - iPhone SMS Import

iSMS2droid can restore all your SMS texts and iMessages from an Apple iPhone backup into Android's messaging app - FOR FREE! Please be aware that this app ...

SMS Backup & Restore

Backup SMS/MMS (text) messages and/or call logs in XML format; Local device backup with options to automatically upload to Google Drive, Dropbox, ...

SMS Backup and Restore

1. SMS Backup+ (for Android) · 2. SMS Backup & Restore app (for Android) · 3. FoneLab (for iOS and Android) · 4. IDrive · The importance of automatic SMS backup ...

SMS Backup+ on the App Store

2023年1月25日 — The best SMS backup app for you! Easily backup SMS messages into various file formats. All you need to do is add screenshots of SMS messages ...

在App Store 上的「SMS Backup+」

2022年12月26日 — The best SMS backup app for you! Easily backup SMS messages into various file formats. All you need to do is add screenshots of SMS messages ...


2024年3月13日 — 在這篇文章中閱讀適用於iPhone的最佳SMS備份應用程式,只需幾個步驟即可完成iOS設備上的SMS備份 ... iphone sms backup restore app - idrive. iSMS2droid – ...


FreeiPhoneSMSBackup,thefreetooltoextract,exportandbackupyourSMSmessagesfromiPhonetoyourPC,WindowsandMac.,2024年2月7日—OneappwerecommendforiOSthatallowsyoutobackupyouriPhonemessagesisSMSExport.Becauseofitssimplicity,SMSExportisapopular ...,BackuptransiPhoneSMSBackup&RestoreisthebestiPhoneSMSbackupsoftwaretobackupandrestoreSMSmessagesforiPhoneinjustafeweasysteps.,iSMS2droidcanrestoreallyourS...